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Symptoms Caused By Vitamin B1 Deficiency

Symptoms Caused By Vitamin B1 Deficiency

Symptoms Caused By Vitamin B Deficiency In individuals with a B12 deficiency, the tongue will actually appear swollen, smooth, and bright red. With prolonged vitamin B12 deficiency, the red blood cells in the body become fragile and broken. A vitamin B12 deficiency is most often caused by digestive system difficulties, which can occur if the […]

The Major Benefits Of Vitamin B1 or Thiamine


Consumption of huge amounts of alcohol interferes with the absorption of thiamine into the body and reduces its uptake. Once taken up into the cells, thiamine first is modified by the addition of one or more phosphate groups. Chronic alcohol consumption can cause inadequate nutritional thiamine intake, decreased absorption of thiamine from the gastrointestinal tract […]

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